Experience the art

Art captures our attention. It gives us cause to think, to explore, and to reflect. Art shows us intention, the unpredictable, inspiration, and brings creativity into our lives. And that's what we want to offer to our guests.

jonas pihl

We had the visual artist Jonas Pihl decorate the Circus Wagon as a unique work of art. We have long been thrilled about his colorful, adventurous, and dreamlike universes. Jonas had a dream of creating an artwork you could step into. With his fantastic work on the Circus Wagon, both on the exterior and interior, his dream has come true.

Room and inspiration for your thoughts

We want the art to continue living inside the circus wagon - both as the work it is and through the thoughts, impulses, and inspiration that others experience when staying in the wagon. The circus wagon should contribute to the art that will be created in the future. Therefore, we invite artists to use the circus wagon as a refuge - to find peace, space, and inspiration to create.


If you, as an artist, wish to stay in the circus wagon, please contact us at hello@cirkusvognen.com

Photo: Mali Lazell